Academy Board

West Michigan Academy’s Board of Directors stands firm for safe, secure schools to ensure that every child receives a first-class education.

The Board is focused on student achievement, parent satisfaction, and safe, secure location for learning.

WMAES operates under the public school academy governance structure in which the Academy is authorized (received its charter from) Central Michigan University Board of Trustees. CMU Board of Trustees appoints the WMAES Board of Directors. Members are required to be bona fide citizens of Michigan, undergo criminal records check, and comply with conflict of interest guidelines established by law and CMU.

To contact a West Michigan Academy Board Member, please contact the Board’s Corresponding Agent, Ali DuBois, at 616.785.8440 or

Meeting Schedule

The Board of Directors has a scheduled a Regular, Budget Hearing, and Organizational Meeting on June 11, 2024.

Click here to view the public notice for the Regular Board Meeting.

Click here to view the Agenda for the Regular Board Meeting.

Select the 'Policies' menu on the right-side to view our board policies

Current School Board Members are the following:

Matthew Smith, President

Jason Kingma, Treasurer

Bethany Laursen, Secretary

Ali Dubois, Area Superintendent

Dr. Kathy DeerInWater, Director

Interested in becoming a Board Member for West Michigan Academy of Environmental Science?

To contact a West Michigan Academy of Environmental Science Board Member, please contact the Area Superintendent, Ali Dubois at